Mentoring & Workshops

While workshops in my studio are temporarily postponed, I am offering personalized mentoring sessions, using FaceTime and other video conferencing apps. In person workshops will resume next year.

If you are interested in scheduling a portfolio critique session or individual custom mentoring session, this is available now and I am happy to work with you at a time that fits conveniently into your schedule.

I recommend starting with an overall portfolio review and then progressing with individual sessions.

Portfolio Critique Session – typically lasts 2 hours and is conducted via FaceTime or other video app. Before the session you will be asked to upload a series of current paintings to Dropbox, as well as a written summary of your painting  process, painting goals, themes, thoughts, challenges and desired future direction. During our meeting, we will review your work in relation to these thoughts, discussing how you can move forward toward achieving these goals.  Cost for session: $250

Individual Mentoring sessions – typically lasts 2 hours – after portfolio review individual mentoring sessions may be scheduled, focusing on how to specifically achieve your current artistic goals. We will look at a group of up to 3 paintings that you will upload to Dropbox before each individual mentoring session. What we discuss will relate to you as an artist and your work as individual pieces, how the totality of both contributes to your overall creative strength. Craftsmanship and skill development, tools and materials, the creative process, developing your own visual voice, how to look at inspiration from other artists without being derivative, how to express your own story, with exercises and direction that develop your artistic growth.  Cost per individual session: $200 

I love sharing the art process with other artists and will continue in the future to teach a number of workshops in my spacious studio in Downtown Novato. If you are interested in being notified of future workshops, please email me your name and email address and I will add you to my list to receive future workshop announcements.

Contact me about scheduling individual portfolio critique and mentoring sessions.

email me at:
[email protected]
